Our products are 100% natural oils and are extracted from selected, high-quality and sustainable raw materials. After careful cleaning, the oils are gently cold-pressed at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. Guaranteed without additives such as aromas, flavour enhancers, preservatives or artificial colourings.
Das ausgesprochen wohltuend neuartige Aroma der verschiedenen Steinobstkernöle, sowie deren natürliche Quelle von Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und Mineralstoffen sind eine Bereicherung für jeden Pflegebewussten.
Varieties - Apricot, Cherry, Plum
Quality - from organic or conventional agriculture
Origin - Austria and EU
Packaging - Packed in canister (plastic/sheet metal) or glass bottles (100-1000ml incl. labelling)
Wonderful carrier for cosmetic creams
Novel & innovative
unsaturated fatty acids
Marzipan-like aroma
1000 kg
190 kg
5-20 kg
0,1 -1l
We offer as a producer and manufacturer apricot kernels, cherry kernels and plum kernels, as well as products derived from them, such as oils and shell granules for the food and cosmetic industry.